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Hear her. Hear the sound of a child crying through her voice. Hear the wind brushing the leaves of an old oak tree. Hear the sound of the sun, and the moon. Hear the rain fall from the glooming, wretched skies. This is her…


Ella Blue is a woman unafraid to be vulnerable. Through her 1960’s Laurel Canyon sound, and love for music, Ella Blue cultivated a voice rooted from her past- deep and pained. Ella Blue brings life to her folk rock roots, and her original music reflects the hardships of growing up in an disfunctional family- filled with addiction, death, and beauty. 


Ella Blue uses her music to fill her life with joy, and hopes to do the same for you. Though she is based in New Orleans, you can plan to hear her ‘baby cry’ in a city near you soon. 


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